Dueling delivery companies. Armies of gig workers primed to drop off packages at breakneck speed. A full color spectrum of scooters, TNCs and e-bike options to choose from at the push of a button. The curb has always been a congested place, but in recent months the competition for limited access to it has reached a fever pitch, with a cavalcade of mobility operators fighting for turf, while cities work to manage who gets a slice, what data companies have to provide in return, and how much to charge for it.
Find out how the battle for the curb is playing out, on a special edition of CoMotion LIVE: Is Concrete the New Gold? Curb Access, Mobility Data, and the Battle over the Public Right of Way.
We’ve assembled a crack team of urban experts to discuss and debate every angle of this hot topic: Regina Clewlow, CEO & Co-Founder of Populus, a data platform that works with both cities and private operators to better manage shared mobility; Jeff Marootian, Director of DC’s Department of Transportation – a city on the leading edge of the new mobility & Vision Zero revolutions – and former White House Liaison and Assistant Secretary for Administration at the United States Department of Transportation; Marla Westervelt, who leads Community & Partnerships in North America and Asia-Pacific for MobilityData, a new nonprofit working to increase the efficiency of mobility alternatives, and the developer of the GTFS & GBFS data feeds that underpin so many new mobility options; and David Zipper, a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Taubman Center for State and Local Government, where he examines the interplay between urban policy and new mobility technologies.